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Alþjóðasetur ehf.

Álfabakka 14

109 Reykjavík


(+354) 530-9300


Kt. 570308-0840

Vsk. 103457


Mán-fim: kl.08:00-16:00 
Fös:        kl.08:00-15:00

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TTúlkur, Túlkun, Túlkanir, Túlkaþjónusta, Túlkunarþjónusta
Þýðandi, Þýðing, Þýðingar, Þýðingarþjónusta, Þýðendaþjónusta, Þýðingarstofa
Tungumál, Tungumálaþjónusta, Alhliða tungumálaþjónusta
Interpreter, Interpretation, Interpreter service, Interpretation service
Translator, Translation, Translator service, Translation service
Language service
Social interpretation, Telephone interpretation, conference interpretation, court interpretation
Icelandic interpretation, Icelandic translation

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